Voilà, c’est fait. F a couru sa toute première course de 10 km. On peut même dire que c'est sa première course si on considère que la course au parc Maisonneuve pour la lutte contre le cancer du sein n'est pas une "vraie" course.
Je dois dire que je l’ai trouvé très bonne et très courageuse parce qu’elle a couru avec un plein d’allergies et une nuit à se réveiller toutes les heures. J’espérais qu’elle passe une bonne nuit lorsque nous sommes allées au lit, mais c’était sous-estimer le pollen. Quand je l'ai vue le matin, je lui ai dit qu'il n'y avait pas de pression, pas de stress et que si elle voyait qu'elle ne pouvait plus en donner, et bien elle aurait fait son maximum. Bon, j'avoue que je n'y croyais pas vraiment connaissant F et son orgueil (oui bon, elle tient pas du voisin!) alors je me doutais bien qu'elle finirait la course... peut-être en rampant, mais elle la finirait.
Nous sommes donc arrivées au quartier dix30 vers 8 h. Chika était déjà arrivée et nous attendait à l’entrée de l’Étoile (salle de spectacle au quartier dix30, là où nos trousses de coureur nous attendaient). Ce n'était vraiment pas chaud en ce matin de mai et nous avions tous un chandail ou une veste. Une fois les trousses ramassées, nous sommes retournées à l'auto pour nous préparer, épingler notre dossard, prendre des hydrates de carbone, enlever nos vestes (ishhhhh…). Quand nous sommes revenues dans l'aire de la course, une belle surprise nous attendait, F et moi. Ma mère, affectueusement nommée mémé, se tenait là, à l'entrée de l'Étoile, caméra au cou. Nous étions donc prêtes, fan club parmi la foule!
Noua avons également retrouvé des amis coureurs que j’admire beaucoup. Petite parenthèse, je pense qu’il n’y pas camaraderie plus sympathique que celle que l’on retrouve chez les coureurs. Bon ok, il y a les compétitifs, mais quel coureur ne l’est pas? L’ambiance était donc autant à la fête qu’à la course!
Vint le temps où il faut se glisser dans le peloton de départ. Je décide d'aller un peu plus vers l'arrière, question de faire en sorte que F ne tombe pas dans le panneau de trop donner durant les premiers km. Nous avons couru les 3 ensemble, F, chika et moi. Pendant les premiers km, évidemment, chika et moi avons commencé à niaiser, mais on s'est vite fait ramener à l'ordre par F! Nous avons donc couru, le plus tranquillement que nous pouvions, saluant nos amis coureurs qui déjà revenaient en sens inverse.
Le premier tour s’est fait quand même assez bien, pas trop de douleur, pas trop de fatigue, mais je savais que ça se pointerait tôt ou tard. Avec la nuit qu'elle avait passée et ses allergies, c'est sûr que ça s'en venait. Et effectivement, elle a commencé à relâcher vers le 6ième km. J'ai dit à chika de continuer à sa vitesse si elle ne voulait pas ralentir. Elle a donc pris les devants avec un ami coureur, venu nous rejoindre pour le 2ème tour, lui ayant fait que le 5 km. Nous avons ralentit un peu, question de se garder un peu de jus jusqu'à la fin, parce que je savais qu'elle ne voudrait pas abandonner. Vers le 8ème km, elle m'a dit que la fatigue se faisait de plus en plus sentir. Je l'ai donc poussée et encouragée du mieux que je pouvais.
Et, comme toute bonne coureuse qui se respecte, non seulement a-t-elle terminé sa course sous la barre des 1 h, mais elle a terminé en force en sprintant! Nous avons franchi la ligne d'arrivée main dans la main. Je croyais que j'allais sangloter quelques larmes, mais elle m'a tellement poussé avec son sprint de la fin que j'ai complètement oublié tellement j'étais concentrée à ne pas m'enfarger!
F, je tiens à ce que tu saches que, comme toujours, je suis très fière de toi. Je te vois devenir une jeune femme avec plein de projets et remplie d'ambitions. Tu réussis tout ce que tu entreprends, car tu crois en toi et en tes capacités. Je ne sais pas si nous ferons d’autres courses ensemble, mais saches que celle de dimanche dernier restera graver dans ma mémoire à tout jamais. Je t'aime!
Mémé, merci encore de t'être déplacée :)
mercredi 25 mai 2011
jeudi 19 mai 2011
Some News
Alright, it’s been a while since last time I posted something on my blog. Not that running is out of my life, not really, I still run, not like I used to, but I do run. It's like past events made me realize that there are so much more important things in life than just focusing on running. Like, prioritizing the loved ones.
It is crazy how a simple event, as deep as it is, can do in a single life. It makes you think that you are not that strong, even though people think so. It makes you realize that you are strong but only if the things or the people that keep you standing tall in front of any obstacle are right beside you. If there is a missing part, you crash. It's like a puzzle. If there is a missing piece, it won't work.
So now, I know it is coming back. I know it because I am starting to feel the joy of running coming back in my veins. Because, I know I am a runner. I just need to take the time of making a come back, strong and steady. I have done a couple of things since my last post, like a rogaine and I'll run with F for her first official 10k this Sunday. I can’t believe she'll run a 10k. This is huge for a mom to have the chance of running a race with her child. I have to say that I am very, very proud of her. Needless to say that I'll probably sob when we'll pass that finish line. And, yesterday night, she told me she wanted to train for the half marathon. She doesn't know if she’ll do it yet, but she wants to train for it. I’m telling you, kids do take example on what they see. Did I mention that she had a certificate at school because of her efforts in Physical Education, her beast? Well, she probably got it because of one of her test which was the Léger-Boucher test. She was the only girl left, with two guys at the end and she made 7 levels, which is excellent for a girl at that age. I think the average for her group is Level 5. I was very proud
So back to my running. I was looking and studying my log last night. I am running any old how! I feel the need to go back to where I was, minus the pressure and the stress that I was putting on my shoulders while I was training for the marathon. I understood that I am not an elite runner (not that I didn’t know that, but you know…) and that if I don't run a sub 4, nobody cares. Of course, being a runner means being competitive with oneself and I would like to run a sub 4, but if it doesn't happen, it won't change anything in my life. I'll just be very proud if it happens someday. But for this, I need to get back to where I was first. I need to take care of that runner inside of me and stop complaining, or I should say stop making excuses and just get out there! So, let’s just say that something happened and made my head swim because it touched my inner intuition and everything that I am, but let's just put that aside of my running and keep going. I love running... no, running is my passion. And I discovered that I love running with other persons, which is new for me cause I didn't care much before. So, let’s run people!!!!
Stay tuned… I’ll come back to my blog too
It is crazy how a simple event, as deep as it is, can do in a single life. It makes you think that you are not that strong, even though people think so. It makes you realize that you are strong but only if the things or the people that keep you standing tall in front of any obstacle are right beside you. If there is a missing part, you crash. It's like a puzzle. If there is a missing piece, it won't work.
So now, I know it is coming back. I know it because I am starting to feel the joy of running coming back in my veins. Because, I know I am a runner. I just need to take the time of making a come back, strong and steady. I have done a couple of things since my last post, like a rogaine and I'll run with F for her first official 10k this Sunday. I can’t believe she'll run a 10k. This is huge for a mom to have the chance of running a race with her child. I have to say that I am very, very proud of her. Needless to say that I'll probably sob when we'll pass that finish line. And, yesterday night, she told me she wanted to train for the half marathon. She doesn't know if she’ll do it yet, but she wants to train for it. I’m telling you, kids do take example on what they see. Did I mention that she had a certificate at school because of her efforts in Physical Education, her beast? Well, she probably got it because of one of her test which was the Léger-Boucher test. She was the only girl left, with two guys at the end and she made 7 levels, which is excellent for a girl at that age. I think the average for her group is Level 5. I was very proud
So back to my running. I was looking and studying my log last night. I am running any old how! I feel the need to go back to where I was, minus the pressure and the stress that I was putting on my shoulders while I was training for the marathon. I understood that I am not an elite runner (not that I didn’t know that, but you know…) and that if I don't run a sub 4, nobody cares. Of course, being a runner means being competitive with oneself and I would like to run a sub 4, but if it doesn't happen, it won't change anything in my life. I'll just be very proud if it happens someday. But for this, I need to get back to where I was first. I need to take care of that runner inside of me and stop complaining, or I should say stop making excuses and just get out there! So, let’s just say that something happened and made my head swim because it touched my inner intuition and everything that I am, but let's just put that aside of my running and keep going. I love running... no, running is my passion. And I discovered that I love running with other persons, which is new for me cause I didn't care much before. So, let’s run people!!!!
Stay tuned… I’ll come back to my blog too
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